7 Distinctive Features of the Best Paranormal Fiction Novel

Paranormal fiction is more than just stories. It’s an experience where the known world becomes slightly askew. Readers including novel lovers are deep inside a familiar yet unsettling world, sparking their curiosity and leaving them eager for further exploration. Let’s explore the essential characteristics that make a novel the best paranormal fiction novel. Unseen Layers […]

Why The Armour of Light Should Be on Your Reading List?

In a world where supernatural tales often blur the lines between fiction and reality, ‘The Armour of Light’ by Andrew Webb stands out as a compelling testament to the human experience with the paranormal. Based on true events surrounding a haunted house in Surrey, this ghost story book invites readers into a chilling yet transformative […]

The Armour of Light: What Makes It the Best Supernatural Thriller

The Armour of Light

Many people love reading supernatural thriller books. They derive a shot in the arm when they watch movies consisting supernatural elements or read stories about ghosts and spirits. The market is flooded with short stories and graphic novels that belong to supernatural and paranormal genres.  So, what is supernatural thriller and paranormal fiction? What are […]